Opening Week

What’s inside the new building opposite Rocket Park? We’re inviting you to come and take a look! We’ve organised a week of varied activities and an official opening event full of fun, food and entertainment, on Saturday 8 August. We’d love you to join us for that, or any of the following:
Sat 1 Aug 2–4pm
Reunion Afternoon Tea
Catch up with ex-MABC’er friends and be the first to look around the new building, and find out what’s ahead in this new chapter of life at MABC!
Sun 2 Aug 9 & 11am
Opening Church Services
With Carey College Principal John Tucker as our Guest Speaker, we’ll recognise and celebrate God’s goodness in our journey to this point, and dedicate our new building to Him.
Tue 4 Aug 8–9pm
Parihaka Musical Rehearsal
Join the cast for an hour as they rehearse for the upcoming original Stage Show ‘The Way of the Raukura’ written by Lead Pastor Steve Worsley (performances are 11-19 Sept). We’ll perform some scenes from the show and teach you a song or two while you’re there!
Wed 5 Aug 9.30–11am
If you’re learning English as a second language, join us for this session to get a taste of how we operate and what we offer. Meet at 9.30am in the church café and we’ll take you through.
Wed 5 Aug 11am–12pm
Kids Forever Pre-School & Toy Library
If you’re interested in enrolling kids at our pre-school or you’d like to have a look inside our Toy Library, join us for this session! Meet in the church café.
Wed 5 Aug 7–9pm
Quiz Night!
If you love Quizzes you won’t want to miss this Quiz Night hosted by our MABC Young Adults group!
Sat 8 Aug 7–9pm
Grand Opening Celebration
This is our big opening event for friends, neighbours or anyone who’s curious to look inside! Join us for drinks and nibbles, fun and entertainment, a look at how the community can use this building, and a decent sized cake! Admission free!
Sun 9 Aug 9 & 11am
Concluding Church Services
With Paul Windsor from the international organisation Lead-Dev Langham, these services will have a focus on the possibilities, calling and vision for MABC as we look to the future.