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Connect with God and others, grow in your faith,

and make a difference

Image by Akira Hojo

Join us in-person or online

We look forward to having you as part of our MABC community!
9am and 11am Contemporary Services

Our Contemporary Service is in our church auditorium on Sunday mornings. The service includes contemporary worship music with a full band. All ages are welcome! 


11am Classic Service

A quieter, more traditional service is held in the Chapel/Upper Lounge. The sermon is shown on the large screen via video link. 



Our sermons help you to apply the Bible’s truths to your everyday life and get to know God’s purpose for your life.

Mt Albert Baptist is a place to connect with God and others, grow in your faith, and get involved – we’re a church that likes to make a difference by engaging with the world around us so that others can experience God’s love.

Pregnant Woman with Mother

Mandarin Translation



请在苹果或安卓商店下载Interactio 翻译软件,输入“MABC” 即可即时收听牧师的讲道。(需自备耳机)。请向前台服务人员索要无线网络密码和牧师讲稿。更多资讯请联系翻译员

We provide Mandarin translation at the 11am Contemporary Service.

Please download the App Interactio from Apple or Android Store to your mobile phone, enter event code 'MABC‘.


Please bring your own earphone and pick up a copy of the sermon notes and WIFI password at the Welcome Desk as you come in the door.


For more information contact the Translation team.

Newcomers Coffee


We love meeting new people! 


Join us in the ‘Newcomers Coffee’ space in the cafe five minutes after the service! Coffee and baking is brought over and you have the opportunity to meet some of our pastoral staff, connect with other new folk and ask any questions you may have.

Prayer Ministry


When you are facing challenges in life it can make a world of difference to have someone pray for you.


We have a committed team of people who pray for others after every service. You can ask them to pray generally or specifically.

We also have a confidential prayer chain operating for urgent prayer needs.

To find out more contact Pastor Diane Liston

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